We vinden het allemaal fijn om gewaardeerd te worden!

Leg je mooiste ervaringen vast

"Mensen praten"
Hoe maak jij het verschil voor anderen?

  1. I work with numerous different professions that help to keep me safe in the work place. So every Christmas I make a point of saying thank you by taking in baking, gum, chocolates and other small packages of candies.
  2. The other day, I was parked in paid parking. I went to the Kiosk to pay and realized they wouldn’t take my debit card and wanted cash only.  I had to use the parkade about an hour later so I took cash as well as the 30 cents I owed and a piece of puffed wheat cake for the attendant.  He was quite surprised and thrilled.
  3. When at work I make popcorn for the afternoon shift change. My coworkers love little things like dilly bars after a stressful moment.  I usually don’t tell anyone they are in the freezer so when we need a break I can bring them out.
  4. I usually have suckers in the desk and when I have problems with an aggressive situation at work the clients try a sucker when they settle.


Marie Stimson 

As a teacher, I show appreciation to my
parents through my weekly newsletter and random personal notes, thanking them
for their support and patience especially during these uncertain times.
Kindergarten parents love hearing they are doing a good job. 😉 I 
recognize parents at our graduation and have my students make hand- made gifts
at Christmas, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. As an administrator, I make myself
available to the teachers for support and encouragement, through daily visits
to their classroom. Our teachers also receive a gift at the beginning of the
year such as a coat, teacher bag or shirts displaying our school logo. They
also are recognized on their birthdays and teacher appreciation with treats and
gifts from our local businesses.

Kudos Appreciation





Tara & Gregg 


Simply the largest boost of positive experiences from all around the globe....

people talk

We ask random people around the globe what they do to show their appreciation to others!

I always offer a listening ear!
creative director
I try to not take things for granted and express my gratitude.
Even though I'm busy I make time for those I love!

KuDOS are Free!

Do want to be part of an appreciative positive world?